Monday, 15 June 2015

Sphinx Pharma TTM 375

So a new cycle is on the way, ill be running TTM by Sphinx Pharma, ive heard good reviews, yet dont know anyone personally whos run it, so i said why not give it a shot myself. Ill be running it at 1ml per week as i dont think these crazy doses you read about alot are needed . so keep checking back

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Just A Quick Update

just a quick post, the weather here is unreal, apparently its hotter in ireland right now than Brazil where the world cup is taking place, and i must admit its great to see, second jab of test cyp tonight as part of my ten week cruise, should go nice and smooth like always.

have a great week.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Cycle Update

So I had to cut my cycle short and come off, life got in the way I guess . So it's been finished about two weeks but instead of jumping back into or starting pct I'm going to cruise on 250mg of alpha pharma test cyp for ten weeks . 

Did the first shot this evening an it went I smooth as silk , no pip what so ever , felt good , so hopefully well see how it goes for the next ten weeks , training should resume by Monday at least , and it's back on the grind again . 

Once the ten weeks are done I'm gonna blast for about ten/twelve weeks with some more Test/Tren/Masteron . Then back to a cruise dose . 

Will keep you updated . 

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Brown rice !!

An interesting read on brown rice and why it's the healthier choice than white.