Saturday, 12 July 2014
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Just A Quick Update
just a quick post, the weather here is unreal, apparently its hotter in ireland right now than Brazil where the world cup is taking place, and i must admit its great to see, second jab of test cyp tonight as part of my ten week cruise, should go nice and smooth like always.
have a great week.
have a great week.
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Cycle Update
So I had to cut my cycle short and come off, life got in the way I guess . So it's been finished about two weeks but instead of jumping back into or starting pct I'm going to cruise on 250mg of alpha pharma test cyp for ten weeks .
Did the first shot this evening an it went I smooth as silk , no pip what so ever , felt good , so hopefully well see how it goes for the next ten weeks , training should resume by Monday at least , and it's back on the grind again .
Once the ten weeks are done I'm gonna blast for about ten/twelve weeks with some more Test/Tren/Masteron . Then back to a cruise dose .
Will keep you updated .
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Brown rice !!
An interesting read on brown rice and why it's the healthier choice than white.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Police Find a $5 Million Anabolic Steroid Laboratory Near Oscar Pistorius Former Pretoria Home
Police Find a $5 Million Anabolic Steroid Laboratory Near Oscar Pistorius Former Pretoria Home
Just a short walk from Oscar Pistorius luxurious former house in Eastern Pretoria, police just uncovered a huge underground steroid laboratory (UGL) with an estimated $5.3 million worth of anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). The proximity of the two is most certainly a coincidence. However, it shows that steroid UGLs are big business that can afford their operators an affluent lifestyle that allows them to live next to highly-paid elite athletes.
Security is tight at the Anni-Pad complex in the suburbs of the South African city of Pretoria. Residents of the affluent neighborhood take comfort in the 24-hour CCTV security cameras and security guards to keep people out. Except in this case, the security guards invited police into the complex to investigate one of its own.
Click Here to continue reading
Just a short walk from Oscar Pistorius luxurious former house in Eastern Pretoria, police just uncovered a huge underground steroid laboratory (UGL) with an estimated $5.3 million worth of anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). The proximity of the two is most certainly a coincidence. However, it shows that steroid UGLs are big business that can afford their operators an affluent lifestyle that allows them to live next to highly-paid elite athletes.
Security is tight at the Anni-Pad complex in the suburbs of the South African city of Pretoria. Residents of the affluent neighborhood take comfort in the 24-hour CCTV security cameras and security guards to keep people out. Except in this case, the security guards invited police into the complex to investigate one of its own.
Click Here to continue reading
Saturday, 24 May 2014
So Hows the cycle Going ??
At the moment im currently running :
Orbis Progain 300 : which is Tren/Test/Mast Enanthate 100mg of each per ml
Cambridge Research Mass 400 : Which is Tren 100mg /Test 200mg /Mast 100mg Enanthate per ml
Infinit Tren Enanthae : Which is 100mg per ml however im only using half a ml so 50mg
So in total im using :
Testosterone : 3OOmg per wk
Trenbolone : 250mg per wk
Masteron : 200mg per wk
So 750 mgs of gear a week in total and i have to say im loving it, im solid, im wider, im bigger im stronger, im more aggressive (in a good way) , down side, im having to run Arimidex for the first time, never had before, plus my skins a bit oily, nothing terrible though, but great cycle cant complain.
For those of you wondering why such low doses its because this is how i wanted to run it, im getting better results from this cycle then i have from much higher doses.
Nexr cycle will be double the amount of tren with maybe a TRT dose of test and a high dose of masteron also.
Orbis Progain 300 : which is Tren/Test/Mast Enanthate 100mg of each per ml
Cambridge Research Mass 400 : Which is Tren 100mg /Test 200mg /Mast 100mg Enanthate per ml
Infinit Tren Enanthae : Which is 100mg per ml however im only using half a ml so 50mg
So in total im using :
Testosterone : 3OOmg per wk
Trenbolone : 250mg per wk
Masteron : 200mg per wk
So 750 mgs of gear a week in total and i have to say im loving it, im solid, im wider, im bigger im stronger, im more aggressive (in a good way) , down side, im having to run Arimidex for the first time, never had before, plus my skins a bit oily, nothing terrible though, but great cycle cant complain.
For those of you wondering why such low doses its because this is how i wanted to run it, im getting better results from this cycle then i have from much higher doses.
Nexr cycle will be double the amount of tren with maybe a TRT dose of test and a high dose of masteron also.
Neck Sling from Ros Nutrition
I dont know if any of you specifically train your neck or not but its something i recently decided to give a try, i know there isnt much you can do in relation to kneck training but why shouldnt you do it ? ive seen boxers and mma fighters do it... i decided (missus paid for it , have to love her ) to go ahead an get this particular one from Ros Nutrition and i have to
say im very happy with it.
Its solid sturdy and holds the weight well, made from neoprene, and costs only €13.95, the chain is fairly sold also and should hold the weight well once youve strapped yourself in, if you dont want to use a weight plate then different sized kettlebells can also be used with ease.
I started off with 5kg and im actually still only using the same weight, as youd be surprised how three sets of 5kg can affect your nec, and i dont want to damage it, so ill be taking it very very slow.
in a nutshell for the price this is really good value for money and definetely something that youll use for a long time, i ordered it online and i have to say it went very smooth ordering to delivery (which was €4.99 i think )
Pill mate pill cutter
So here's something that might interest you all , I recently bought one of these to cut some arimidex I'm running on this current cycle , as the arimidex are quiet tricky to just break this cutter made it quiet easy to half and even quarter them.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Something i stumbled upon
So eating on a budget can be hard, i came across this blog earlier and though it might be useful to some of you on a budget trying to eat and train and get those calories in
hope it helps , im thinking of adding it to the useful links on the side also as its got some good stuff
hope it helps , im thinking of adding it to the useful links on the side also as its got some good stuff
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Maxi muscle home dip station
So if like me you train at home and are always looking to add new equipment , then this dip station could be just what you need.
Something I always do are tricep dips , there definitely one of my favourite exercise to do.
I had been doing them using a flat bench and it worked out just fine, but as my birthday is almost upon me the love of my life decided I need an early present .... Not that type of present... So I got the dip station instead.

Like everything that comes flat packed it was a bit annoying putting it together (I hate putting things together, and like every other man on the planet instructions do very little for me ) , also I'd recommend giving it a little tighten at the end with a good socket set just to be sure .
The overall quality is pretty good , it's solid and sturdy , heavy , and bigger than it looks in the picture , you'll have no hesitation doing dips with this , as it really feels like a quality product.
One of the other exercise I really enjoy using it for is body weight rows , you'll love them too I promise , weighted calf raises also are another an definitely work nice , it comes with a list of stuff you can do but I didn't even look at it I'm sure there great though .
All on all a good buy for the home trainer , maybe a little pricey at €102 but it think you'll find it's worth every penny .
Something I always do are tricep dips , there definitely one of my favourite exercise to do.
I had been doing them using a flat bench and it worked out just fine, but as my birthday is almost upon me the love of my life decided I need an early present .... Not that type of present... So I got the dip station instead.

Like everything that comes flat packed it was a bit annoying putting it together (I hate putting things together, and like every other man on the planet instructions do very little for me ) , also I'd recommend giving it a little tighten at the end with a good socket set just to be sure .
The overall quality is pretty good , it's solid and sturdy , heavy , and bigger than it looks in the picture , you'll have no hesitation doing dips with this , as it really feels like a quality product.
One of the other exercise I really enjoy using it for is body weight rows , you'll love them too I promise , weighted calf raises also are another an definitely work nice , it comes with a list of stuff you can do but I didn't even look at it I'm sure there great though .
All on all a good buy for the home trainer , maybe a little pricey at €102 but it think you'll find it's worth every penny .
Saturday, 17 May 2014
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Buttock/Glute Injection Video
Very helpful vid on where to stick the needle in your ass basically , or to show someone else where to stick it
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Doping forever
Danish documentary.
It's like Supersize Me with steroids.
Guy uses steroids to shape his body in a documentary!
It's like Supersize Me with steroids.
Guy uses steroids to shape his body in a documentary!
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Medical Examiner Cites Natural Causes Not Steroids As Cause of Death for the Ultimate Warrior
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Deadlift hurting your back ?
Came across this earlier, Thought it might be beneficial for some , there's also an app link on the site check it out it's definatley worth having a read (and the apps not too shabby either)
Strong lifts back lower back pain good read
Strong lifts back lower back pain good read
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
High Volume Training
High Volume Training.
What is high volume training?
High volume training is a style of bodybuilding training that involves working out for extended periods of time, performing a high number of sets, or both. Generally, a high volume workout is associated with a bodybuilding split routine, but full body workouts can be high volume as well.
The high volume style of training is generally associated with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oddly enough, Arnold actually built a good portion of his muscle mass using a full body, Reg Park style routine.
Over time, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s routine evolved into a system where muscle groups were worked 3 times per week. Generally, Arnold Schwarzenegger performed over 90 sets per major muscle group per week.
In the modern era, high volume training rarely resembles an Arnold style routine. Though bodybuilding magazines and professional bodybuilders are still known as high volume advocates, their routines rarely work individual body parts more then once a week.
Therefore, in a modern context, high volume training can be generalized by looking at the following 2 parameters…
It should also be said that beginning trainees can often pack on muscle mass using any routine. It is not uncommon to see beginners gain muscle mass on high volume routines despite its limitations.
Simply put, the initial shock that comes from undertaking a weight training routine, and the resulting anabolic boost, outweighs the limitations of the training system. But after months of training, a high volume routine generally stops yielding results for most lifters.
By limiting the rest period between sets, the length of high volume workouts can be shortened, making it a more viable training option.
taken from :
What is high volume training?
High volume training is a style of bodybuilding training that involves working out for extended periods of time, performing a high number of sets, or both. Generally, a high volume workout is associated with a bodybuilding split routine, but full body workouts can be high volume as well.
The high volume style of training is generally associated with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oddly enough, Arnold actually built a good portion of his muscle mass using a full body, Reg Park style routine.
Over time, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s routine evolved into a system where muscle groups were worked 3 times per week. Generally, Arnold Schwarzenegger performed over 90 sets per major muscle group per week.
In the modern era, high volume training rarely resembles an Arnold style routine. Though bodybuilding magazines and professional bodybuilders are still known as high volume advocates, their routines rarely work individual body parts more then once a week.
Therefore, in a modern context, high volume training can be generalized by looking at the following 2 parameters…
- Time. A high volume system of training generally involves a training time of 75-150 minutes per workout.
- Sets. A high volume system of training generally involves performing 18-30 sets per body part.
It should also be said that beginning trainees can often pack on muscle mass using any routine. It is not uncommon to see beginners gain muscle mass on high volume routines despite its limitations.
Simply put, the initial shock that comes from undertaking a weight training routine, and the resulting anabolic boost, outweighs the limitations of the training system. But after months of training, a high volume routine generally stops yielding results for most lifters.
By limiting the rest period between sets, the length of high volume workouts can be shortened, making it a more viable training option.
taken from :
Monday, 28 April 2014
Milk thistle
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) has been used for 2,000 years as an herbal remedy for a variety of ailments, particularly liver, kidney, and gall bladder problems. Several scientific studies suggest that substances in milk thistle (especially a flavonoid called silymarin) protect the liver from toxins, including certain drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), which can cause liver damage in high doses. Silymarin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and it may help the liver repair itself by growing new cells.
Although a number of animal studies demonstrate that milk thistle can be helpful in protecting the liver, results in human studies are mixed.
Click the link below to continue reading the article
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) has been used for 2,000 years as an herbal remedy for a variety of ailments, particularly liver, kidney, and gall bladder problems. Several scientific studies suggest that substances in milk thistle (especially a flavonoid called silymarin) protect the liver from toxins, including certain drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), which can cause liver damage in high doses. Silymarin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and it may help the liver repair itself by growing new cells.
Although a number of animal studies demonstrate that milk thistle can be helpful in protecting the liver, results in human studies are mixed.
Click the link below to continue reading the article
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Interesting link
Came across this link somewhere not sure where but its definitely a useful little link for those of you planning a cycle, contains some very useful information be sure to check it out ,
click the link below
Click Here for Steroid Plot Site
click the link below
Click Here for Steroid Plot Site
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Cambridge research labs
This lab is getting a lot and I do mean a lot of good reviews , tested as being one of the labs that contain exactly what they say they do , now that doesn't account for the correct mg per ml but it's still a pretty good result none the less .
This is definitely a lab worth checking out and a lab that's on the up from the reviews .

This is definitely a lab worth checking out and a lab that's on the up from the reviews .

Sunday, 23 February 2014
Bulk Powders
Useful link for Irish customers looking for proteins , multi-vitamins etc .
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Orbis Pro Gain 300
Friday, 7 February 2014
Steroid Information for Beginners
By Gavin Kane
So you have finally made the decision to cross over to the dark side, the often talked about, but never discussed in public, use of anabolic steroids. You know you want to use them, but you don’t know what to use, how to use it, or even what they really are. This article will cover the very basics of steroid use, as well as safety information, and general knowledge so you can make an informed decision to use.
What are anabolic steroids?
Anabolic steroids are all synthetic forms or derivatives of the basic hormone testosterone. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It causes physiological changes in the body, such as; body and facial hair, development of male sex organs, sperm production, deepening of the voice, and increased libido (hard-on’s).
Testosterone also creates increases in muscular size by way of protein synthesis and anabolic mechanisms. Testosterone interacts with lots of cells in the body, but since we are really only interested in muscle growth, I will focus on that action. When testosterone floats free in the blood stream, it looks for androgen receptors to attach to. One it attaches, it can start its activity by way of transcription and therefore an increase in the synthesis of two primary proteins, actin and myosin. In addition to this action, there will also be increases in red blood cell count, oxygen capacity, and some mobilization of fat cells.
Why are there so many different kinds of steroids?
One look at a steroid dealers list is enough to make anyone’s head spin. There are so many choices and options. What you must remember is that all steroids are chemically altered derivatives of the master hormone testosterone. Each chemical alteration allows the steroid molecule to exert a slightly different action in the body. Steroid are primarily classified as anabolic or androgenic, while this is a simple classification, you should know that all steroids are anabolic and androgenic, they just have varying degrees of each activity.
With that in mind, the more anabolic and less side effects a steroid has, the safer it is to use, but in that same theory, it will also be a less effective steroid. There are some steroids that are better for lean mass gains, some to assist in fat burning while dieting, some to add a lean hard look before a show, some for off-season and bulking, etc. Once you have determined what your goals are, that is how you determine what products to take for a cycle. Being that you are new to steroids, I will assume you are looking for more mass and assemble your product list and cycles accordingly.
What kind of side effects will I get from a cycle?
Most people have seen the commercials, print ads, or something with all the scare tactics of steroid side effects, hell, even in the locker room guys talk about your penis shrinking. Ignore everything you have heard, it is media hype, high school scare tactics and other misinformation. I am going to write out a complete list of possible side effects, and then discuss the real world and what to expect.
Possible side effects from steroid use include: Acne, aggression, anaphylactic shock, birth defects, blood clotting changes, cancer, depression, gynecomastia, hair loss, headaches, high blood pressure, immune system changes, kidney stress, liver stress, prostrate enlargement, sexual dysfunction, stunted growth, testicular atrophy, water retention, and virilization.
That is quite a list, but now I will write out what you can really expect with steroid use, how to combat it and why not to worry. The first and most common side effect is acne. Yup, good old zits, just like when you were in high school. The reason you get them is the same reason you got them then, increased oil production which is stimulated by androgens. Gyno, the dreaded bitch tits can come about as a result of too much androgen use without controlling estrogen. Hair loss is common in some users who abuse oral steroids; there will be little to no loss on safe and sane cycles. High blood pressure can occure due to increases in water retention and an increase in estrogen levels. Testicular atrophy or “raisin nuts” can occur during a cycle because you will shut off your natural testosterone production. Finally, sexual dysfunction can occur in a very long cycle, too high a dose, or post cycle if you don’t do a proper post cycle therapy.
You should remember that most side effects are the results of two things; too much or too long without using precautions. Too much mean taking too much of any product or the sum of products taken. There is no need to go overboard; twice as much does not equal twice as many gains. Too long means staying on cycle for excessive periods of time, and then starting another cycle when there has not been enough off time. Both of these problems are easily overcome, hence most side effects can be avoided.
What should I take for my first or second cycle?
Remember the old acronym KISS? That is the best applied advice for your first few steroid cycles. Honestly nothing more than a cycle of testosterone is needed to make incredible gains but nobody goes that simple anymore. Stacking, or the adding of multiple steroids together for a cycle has become far too common, even in new users. While there can be come synergy from stacking certain steroids, they will serve as no benefit to first time users.
So you have finally made the decision to cross over to the dark side, the often talked about, but never discussed in public, use of anabolic steroids. You know you want to use them, but you don’t know what to use, how to use it, or even what they really are. This article will cover the very basics of steroid use, as well as safety information, and general knowledge so you can make an informed decision to use.
What are anabolic steroids?
Anabolic steroids are all synthetic forms or derivatives of the basic hormone testosterone. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It causes physiological changes in the body, such as; body and facial hair, development of male sex organs, sperm production, deepening of the voice, and increased libido (hard-on’s).
Testosterone also creates increases in muscular size by way of protein synthesis and anabolic mechanisms. Testosterone interacts with lots of cells in the body, but since we are really only interested in muscle growth, I will focus on that action. When testosterone floats free in the blood stream, it looks for androgen receptors to attach to. One it attaches, it can start its activity by way of transcription and therefore an increase in the synthesis of two primary proteins, actin and myosin. In addition to this action, there will also be increases in red blood cell count, oxygen capacity, and some mobilization of fat cells.
Why are there so many different kinds of steroids?
One look at a steroid dealers list is enough to make anyone’s head spin. There are so many choices and options. What you must remember is that all steroids are chemically altered derivatives of the master hormone testosterone. Each chemical alteration allows the steroid molecule to exert a slightly different action in the body. Steroid are primarily classified as anabolic or androgenic, while this is a simple classification, you should know that all steroids are anabolic and androgenic, they just have varying degrees of each activity.
With that in mind, the more anabolic and less side effects a steroid has, the safer it is to use, but in that same theory, it will also be a less effective steroid. There are some steroids that are better for lean mass gains, some to assist in fat burning while dieting, some to add a lean hard look before a show, some for off-season and bulking, etc. Once you have determined what your goals are, that is how you determine what products to take for a cycle. Being that you are new to steroids, I will assume you are looking for more mass and assemble your product list and cycles accordingly.
What kind of side effects will I get from a cycle?
Most people have seen the commercials, print ads, or something with all the scare tactics of steroid side effects, hell, even in the locker room guys talk about your penis shrinking. Ignore everything you have heard, it is media hype, high school scare tactics and other misinformation. I am going to write out a complete list of possible side effects, and then discuss the real world and what to expect.
Possible side effects from steroid use include: Acne, aggression, anaphylactic shock, birth defects, blood clotting changes, cancer, depression, gynecomastia, hair loss, headaches, high blood pressure, immune system changes, kidney stress, liver stress, prostrate enlargement, sexual dysfunction, stunted growth, testicular atrophy, water retention, and virilization.
That is quite a list, but now I will write out what you can really expect with steroid use, how to combat it and why not to worry. The first and most common side effect is acne. Yup, good old zits, just like when you were in high school. The reason you get them is the same reason you got them then, increased oil production which is stimulated by androgens. Gyno, the dreaded bitch tits can come about as a result of too much androgen use without controlling estrogen. Hair loss is common in some users who abuse oral steroids; there will be little to no loss on safe and sane cycles. High blood pressure can occure due to increases in water retention and an increase in estrogen levels. Testicular atrophy or “raisin nuts” can occur during a cycle because you will shut off your natural testosterone production. Finally, sexual dysfunction can occur in a very long cycle, too high a dose, or post cycle if you don’t do a proper post cycle therapy.
You should remember that most side effects are the results of two things; too much or too long without using precautions. Too much mean taking too much of any product or the sum of products taken. There is no need to go overboard; twice as much does not equal twice as many gains. Too long means staying on cycle for excessive periods of time, and then starting another cycle when there has not been enough off time. Both of these problems are easily overcome, hence most side effects can be avoided.
What should I take for my first or second cycle?
Remember the old acronym KISS? That is the best applied advice for your first few steroid cycles. Honestly nothing more than a cycle of testosterone is needed to make incredible gains but nobody goes that simple anymore. Stacking, or the adding of multiple steroids together for a cycle has become far too common, even in new users. While there can be come synergy from stacking certain steroids, they will serve as no benefit to first time users.
So you want to use steroids ?
So who am I to tell you not to ?
First , let's go through some things , a check list so to speak
1: You've been training for years right ? You've reached your full potential ?
2: You know a lot about diet and nutrition ?
3: You know or have somewhere to get regular blood tests done to check all aspects of your Health ?
4: You've researched every single side effect and how to deal with them ?
5: You've researched every single aspect of steroid use and understand what the difference between "use" and "abuse" is ?
6: You can purchase them from a reliable source ?
7: You've research this source right ? Read reviews ? Spoke to other buyers ? Etc......
8: You've researched the company who produced the steroids right ?
9: You've researched injection techniques ? Understand what PIP is ? How to reduce it ? What needle size? , syringe size ?
10: You understand that it's your body and your health that your risking and your willing to accept responsibility for your own actions ?
If you answered yes to all ten of the above then good luck , but if you answered anything less then your not ready
First , let's go through some things , a check list so to speak
1: You've been training for years right ? You've reached your full potential ?
2: You know a lot about diet and nutrition ?
3: You know or have somewhere to get regular blood tests done to check all aspects of your Health ?
4: You've researched every single side effect and how to deal with them ?
5: You've researched every single aspect of steroid use and understand what the difference between "use" and "abuse" is ?
6: You can purchase them from a reliable source ?
7: You've research this source right ? Read reviews ? Spoke to other buyers ? Etc......
8: You've researched the company who produced the steroids right ?
9: You've researched injection techniques ? Understand what PIP is ? How to reduce it ? What needle size? , syringe size ?
10: You understand that it's your body and your health that your risking and your willing to accept responsibility for your own actions ?
If you answered yes to all ten of the above then good luck , but if you answered anything less then your not ready
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Alpha Pharma Thryo 3
I'm currently running these T3's from Alpha Pharma , I have to say there quiet good , I hadn't heard much about them but after trying them ill definatly be using them again
Box contains : 30 25mcg small pinkish tablets, shape like an 8.
As with everything don't mess around with what you don't know , read and research as much as possible before even considering using something like these.

Box contains : 30 25mcg small pinkish tablets, shape like an 8.
As with everything don't mess around with what you don't know , read and research as much as possible before even considering using something like these.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Anabolic ? Androgenic ?
steroids with a tissue-building effect. Testosterone is an example of a natural anabolic steroid with the, sometimes undesirable, effect of causing masculinization. Synthetic steroids are designed to avoid this problem as much as possible. The purpose of their use includes improvement in body weight in old animals and in the young after debilitating disease or major surgery.
A natural or artificial steroid that acts as a male sex hormone. Androgens are responsible for the development of male sex organs and secondary sexual characteristics. Testosterone and androsterone are androgens.
steroids with a tissue-building effect. Testosterone is an example of a natural anabolic steroid with the, sometimes undesirable, effect of causing masculinization. Synthetic steroids are designed to avoid this problem as much as possible. The purpose of their use includes improvement in body weight in old animals and in the young after debilitating disease or major surgery.
A natural or artificial steroid that acts as a male sex hormone. Androgens are responsible for the development of male sex organs and secondary sexual characteristics. Testosterone and androsterone are androgens.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Infiniti Tren Enanthate
Trenbolone Enanthate by Infiniti labs 100mgs per 1ml
Trenbolone enanthate will suppress natural testosterone production, also , research any steroid before you decide to run it , If your considering Tren as part of your first cycle then think again , tren is a powerful hormone , it's advised that you have a couple of cycles under your belt and know your body pretty well before you run it

Monday, 27 January 2014
Test Esters: By Bill Llewellyn
One of the most misunderstood subjects in the world of steroids is the ester--the mechanism by which injectable esterified steroids like testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, and Sustanon work. If you take a quick look around the Internet you will probably find countless articles that consider one form of a steroid far more effective than another. Arguments over the superiority of cypionate to enanthate, or Sustanon to all other testosterones are of course very common. Such arguments are in all practicality, baseless. In this report we'll take an authoritative look at the ester and what specifically it does to a steroid.
I'm sure that if you have taken an interest in anabolic steroids you have noticed the similarities on the labeling of many drugs. Let's look at testosterone for example. One can find compounds like testosterone cypionate, enanthate, propionate, heptylate; caproate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, decanoate, acetate, the list goes on and on. In all such cases the parent hormone is testosterone, which had been modified by adding an ester (enanthate, propionate etc.) to its structure. The following question arises: What is the difference between the various esterified versions of testosterone in regards to their use in bodybuilding?
An ester is a chain composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen atoms. This chain is typically attached to the parent steroid hormone at the 17th carbon position (beta orientation), although some compounds do carry esters at position 3 (for the purposes of this article it is not crucial to understand the exact position of the ester). Esterification of an injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid basically accomplishes one thing; it slows the release of the parent steroid from the site of injection. This happens because the ester will notably lower the water solubility of the steroid, and increase its lipid (fat) solubility. This will cause the drug to form a deposit in the muscle tissue, from which it will slowly enter into circulation as it is picked up in small quantities by the blood. Generally, the longer the ester chain, the lower the water solubility of the compound, and the longer it will take to for the full dosage to reach general circulation.
Slowing the release of the parent steroid is a great benefit in steroid medicine, as free testosterone (or other steroid hormones) previously would remain active in the body for a very short period of time (typically hours). This would necessitate an unpleasant daily injection schedule if one wished to maintain a continuous elevation of testosterone (the goal of testosterone replacement therapy). By adding an ester, the patient can visit the doctor as infrequently as once per month for his injection, instead of having to constantly re-administer the drug to achieve a therapeutic effect. Clearly without the use of an ester, therapy with an injectable anabolic/androgen would be much more difficult.
Esterification temporarily deactivates the steroid molecule. With a chain blocking the 17th beta position, binding to the androgen receptor is not possible (it can exert no activity in the body). In order for the compound to become active the ester must therefore first be removed. This automatically occurs once the compound has filtered into blood circulation, where esterase enzymes quickly cleave off (hydrolyze) the ester chain. This will restore the necessary hydroxyl (OH) group at the 17th beta position, enabling the drug to attach to the appropriate receptor. Now and only now will the steroid be able to have an effect on skeletal muscle tissue. You can start to see why considering testosterone cypionate much more potent than enanthate makes little sense, as your muscles are seeing only free testosterone no matter what ester was used to deploy it.
There are many different esters that are used with anabolic/androgenic steroids, but again, they all do basically the same thing. Esters vary only in their ability to reduce a steroid's water solubility. An ester like propionate for example will slow the release of a steroid for a few days, while the duration will be weeks with a decanoate ester. Esters have no effect on the tendency for the parent steroid to convert to estrogen or DHT (dihydrotestosterone: a more potent metabolite) nor will it effect the overall muscle-building potency of the compound. Any differences in results and side effects that may be noted by bodybuilders who have used various esterified versions of the same base steroid are just issues of timing. Testosterone enanthate causes estrogen related problems more readily than Sustanon, simply because with enanthate testosterone levels will peak and trough much sooner (1-2 week release duration as opposed to 3 or 4). Likewise testosterone suspension is the worst in regards to gyno and water bloat because blood hormone levels peak so quickly with this drug. Instead of waiting weeks for testosterone levels to rise to their highest point, here we are at most looking at a couple of days. Given an equal blood level of testosterone, there would be no difference in the rate of aromatization or DHT conversion between different esters. There is simply no mechanism for this to be possible.
There is however one way that we can say an ester does technically effect potency; it is calculated in the steroid weight. The heavier the ester chain, the greater is its percentage of the total weight. In the case of testosterone enanthate for example, 250mg of esterified steroid (testosterone enanthate) is equal to only 180mg of free testosterone. 70mgs out of each 250mg injection is the weight of the ester. If we wanted to be really picky, we could consider enanthate slightly MORE potent than cypionate (I know this goes against popular thinking) as its ester chain contains one less carbon atom (therefore taking up a slightly smaller percentage of total weight). Propionate would of course come out on top of the three, releasing a measurable (but not significant) amount more testosterone per injection than cypionate or enanthate.
While the advent of esters certainly constitutes an invaluable advance in the field of anabolic steroid medicine, clearly you can see that there is no magic involved here. Esters work in a well-understood and predictable manner, and do not alter the activity of the parent steroid in any way other than to delay its release. Although the lure surrounding various steroid products like testosterone cypionate, Sustanon, Omnadren etc. certainly makes for interesting conversation, realistically it just amounts to misinformation that the athlete would be better off ignoring. Testosterone is testosterone and anyone who is going to tell you one ester form of this (or any) hormone is much better than another one should do a little more research, and a lot less talking.
Sustanon: The "king" of testosterone blends.
The four different testosterone esters in this product certainly look appealing to the consumer, there is no denying that. But for the athlete I think it is all just a matter of marketing (Hell, why buy one ester when you can get four?). In clinical situations I can see some strong uses for it. If you were undergoing testosterone replacement therapy for example, you would probably find Sustanon a much more comfortable option than testosterone enanthate. You would need to visit the doctor less frequently for an injection, and blood levels should be more steadily maintained between treatments. But for the bodybuilder who is injecting 4 ampules of Sustanon per week, there is no advantage over other testosterone products. In fact, the high price tag for Sustanon usually makes it a very poor buy in the face of cheaper testosterone enanthate/cypionate. Bodybuilders should probably stop looking at the four ester issue, and stick with totals (Sustanon is just a 250mg testosterone ampule). Were enanthate to be available for say $10 per amp of 250mg, and Sustanon priced nearly double that, buying the Sustanon would be like throwing money away. If you could get nearly double the milligram amount for the same price with enanthate, this is the better product to go with hands down. Leave the high priced stuff for the guys who don't know any better.
Acetate: Chemical Structure C2H4O2.
Also referred to as Acetic Acid; Ethylic acid; Vinegar acid; vinegar; Methanecarboxylic acid. Acetate esters delay the release of a steroid for only a couple of days. Contrary to what you may have read, acetate esters do not increase the tendency for fat removal. Again, there is no known mechanism for it to do so. This ester is used on oral primobolan tablets (metenolone acetate), Finaplix (trenbolone acetate) implant pellets, and occasionally testosterone.
Propionate: Chemical Structure C3H6O2.
Also referred to as Carboxyethane; hydroacrylic acid; Methylacetic acid; Ethylformic acid; Ethanecarboxylic acid; metacetonic acid; pseudoacetic acid; Propionic Acid. Propionate esters will slow the release of a steroid for several days. To keep blood levels from fluctuating greatly, propionate compounds are usually injected two to three times weekly. Testosterone propionate and methandriol dipropionate (two separate propionate esters attached to the parent steroid methandriol) are popular items.
Phenylpropionate: Chemical Structure C9H10O2.
Also referred to as Propionic Acid Phenyl Ester. Phenylpropionate will extend the release of active steroid a few days longer than propionate. To keep blood levels even, injections are given at least twice weekly. Durabolin is the drug most commonly seen with a phenylpropionate ester (nandrolone phenylpropionate), although it is also used with testosterone in Sustanon and Omnadren.
Isocarpoate: Chemical Structure C6H12O2.
Also referred to as Isocaproic Acid; isohexanoate; 4-methylvaleric acid. Isocaproate begins to near enanthate in terms of release. The duration is still shorter, with a notable hormone level being sustained for approximately one week. This ester is used with testosterone in the blended products Sustanon and Omnadren.
Caproate: Chemical Structure C6H12O2.
Also referred to as Hexanoic acid; hexanoate; n-Caproic Acid; n-Hexoic acid; butylacetic acid; pentiformic acid; pentylformic acid; n-hexylic acid; 1-pentanecarboxylic acid; hexoic acid; 1-hexanoic acid; Hexylic acid; Caproic acid. This ester is identical to isocarpoate in terms of atom count and weight, but is laid out slightly different (Isocaproate has a split configuration, difficult to explain here but easy to see on paper). Release duration would be very similar to isocaproate (levels sustained for approximately one weak), perhaps coming slightly closer to enanthate due to its straight chain. Caproate is the slowest releasing ester used in Omnadren, which is why most athletes notice more water retention with this compound.
Enanthate: Chemical Structure C7H14O2.
Also referred to as heptanoic acid; enanthic acid; enanthylic acid; heptylic acid; heptoic acid; Oenanthylic acid; Oenanthic acid. Enanthate is one of the most prominent esters used in steroid manufacture (most commonly seen with testosterone but is also used in other compounds like Primobolan Depot). Enanthate will release a steady (yet fluctuating as all esters are) level of hormone for approximately 10-14 days. Although in medicine enanthate compounds are often injected on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, athletes will inject at least weekly to help maintain a uniform blood level.
Cypionate: Chemical Structure C8H14O2.
Also referred to as Cyclopentylpropionic acid, cyclopentylpropionate. Cypionate is a very popular ester here in the U.S., although it is scarcely found outside this region. Its release duration is almost identical to enanthate (10-14 days), and the two are likewise thought to be interchangeable in U.S. medicine. Althletes commonly hold the belief than cypionate is more powerful than enanthate, although realistically there is little difference between the two. The enanthate ester is in fact slightly smaller than cypionate, and it therefore releases a small (perhaps a few milligrams) amount of steroid more in comparison.
Decanoate: Chemical Structure C10H20O2.
Also referred to as decanoic acid; capric acid; caprinic acid; decylic acid, Nonanecarboxylic acid. The Decanoate ester is most commonly used with the hormone nandrolone (as in Deca-Durabolin) and is found in virtually all corners of the world. Testosterone decanoate is also the longest acting constituent in Sustanon, greatly extending its release duration. The release time with Decanoate compounds is listed to be as long as one month, although most recently we are finding that levels seem to drop significantly after two weeks. To keep blood levels more uniform, athletes (as they have always known to do) will follow a weekly injection schedule.
Undecylenate: Chemical Structure C11H20O2.
Also referred to as Undecylenic acid; Hendecenoic acid; Undecenoic acid. This ester is very similar to decanoate, containing only one carbon atom more. Its release duration is likewise very similar (approximately 2-3 weeks), perhaps extending a day or so past that seen with decanoate. Undecylenate seems to be exclusive to the veterinary preparation Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate), although there is no reason it would not work well in human-use preparations (Equipoise certainly works fine for athletes). Again, weekly injections are most common.
Undecanoate: Chemical Structure C11H22O2.
Also referred to as Undecanoic Acid; 1-Decanecarboxylic acid; Hendecanoic acid; Undecylic acid. Undecanoate is not a commonly found ester, and only appears to be used in the nandrolone preparation Dynabolan, and oral testosterone undecanoate (Andriol). Since this ester is chemically very similar to undecylenate (it is only 2 hydrogen atoms larger), it has a similar release duration (approximately 2-3 weeks). Although this ester is used in the oral preparation Andriol, there is no reason to believe it carries any properties unique of other esters. Andriol in fact works very poorly at delivering testosterone, bolstering the idea that oral administration is not the idea use of esterified androgens.
Laurate: Chemical structure C12H24O2.
Also referred to as Dodecanoic acid, laurostearic acid, duodecyclic acid, 1-undecanecarboxylic acid, and dodecoic acid. Laurate is the longest releasing ester used in commercial steroid production, although longer acting esters do exist. Its release duration would be closer to one month than the other esters listed above, although realistically we are probably to expect a notable drop in hormone level after the third week. Laurate is exclusively found in the veterinary nandrolone preparation Laurabolin, perhaps seen as slightly advantageous over a decanoate ester due to a less frequent injection schedule. Again athletes will most commonly inject this drug weekly, no doubt in part due to its low strength (25mg/ml or 50mg/ml).
I'm sure that if you have taken an interest in anabolic steroids you have noticed the similarities on the labeling of many drugs. Let's look at testosterone for example. One can find compounds like testosterone cypionate, enanthate, propionate, heptylate; caproate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, decanoate, acetate, the list goes on and on. In all such cases the parent hormone is testosterone, which had been modified by adding an ester (enanthate, propionate etc.) to its structure. The following question arises: What is the difference between the various esterified versions of testosterone in regards to their use in bodybuilding?
An ester is a chain composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen atoms. This chain is typically attached to the parent steroid hormone at the 17th carbon position (beta orientation), although some compounds do carry esters at position 3 (for the purposes of this article it is not crucial to understand the exact position of the ester). Esterification of an injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid basically accomplishes one thing; it slows the release of the parent steroid from the site of injection. This happens because the ester will notably lower the water solubility of the steroid, and increase its lipid (fat) solubility. This will cause the drug to form a deposit in the muscle tissue, from which it will slowly enter into circulation as it is picked up in small quantities by the blood. Generally, the longer the ester chain, the lower the water solubility of the compound, and the longer it will take to for the full dosage to reach general circulation.
Slowing the release of the parent steroid is a great benefit in steroid medicine, as free testosterone (or other steroid hormones) previously would remain active in the body for a very short period of time (typically hours). This would necessitate an unpleasant daily injection schedule if one wished to maintain a continuous elevation of testosterone (the goal of testosterone replacement therapy). By adding an ester, the patient can visit the doctor as infrequently as once per month for his injection, instead of having to constantly re-administer the drug to achieve a therapeutic effect. Clearly without the use of an ester, therapy with an injectable anabolic/androgen would be much more difficult.
Esterification temporarily deactivates the steroid molecule. With a chain blocking the 17th beta position, binding to the androgen receptor is not possible (it can exert no activity in the body). In order for the compound to become active the ester must therefore first be removed. This automatically occurs once the compound has filtered into blood circulation, where esterase enzymes quickly cleave off (hydrolyze) the ester chain. This will restore the necessary hydroxyl (OH) group at the 17th beta position, enabling the drug to attach to the appropriate receptor. Now and only now will the steroid be able to have an effect on skeletal muscle tissue. You can start to see why considering testosterone cypionate much more potent than enanthate makes little sense, as your muscles are seeing only free testosterone no matter what ester was used to deploy it.
There are many different esters that are used with anabolic/androgenic steroids, but again, they all do basically the same thing. Esters vary only in their ability to reduce a steroid's water solubility. An ester like propionate for example will slow the release of a steroid for a few days, while the duration will be weeks with a decanoate ester. Esters have no effect on the tendency for the parent steroid to convert to estrogen or DHT (dihydrotestosterone: a more potent metabolite) nor will it effect the overall muscle-building potency of the compound. Any differences in results and side effects that may be noted by bodybuilders who have used various esterified versions of the same base steroid are just issues of timing. Testosterone enanthate causes estrogen related problems more readily than Sustanon, simply because with enanthate testosterone levels will peak and trough much sooner (1-2 week release duration as opposed to 3 or 4). Likewise testosterone suspension is the worst in regards to gyno and water bloat because blood hormone levels peak so quickly with this drug. Instead of waiting weeks for testosterone levels to rise to their highest point, here we are at most looking at a couple of days. Given an equal blood level of testosterone, there would be no difference in the rate of aromatization or DHT conversion between different esters. There is simply no mechanism for this to be possible.
There is however one way that we can say an ester does technically effect potency; it is calculated in the steroid weight. The heavier the ester chain, the greater is its percentage of the total weight. In the case of testosterone enanthate for example, 250mg of esterified steroid (testosterone enanthate) is equal to only 180mg of free testosterone. 70mgs out of each 250mg injection is the weight of the ester. If we wanted to be really picky, we could consider enanthate slightly MORE potent than cypionate (I know this goes against popular thinking) as its ester chain contains one less carbon atom (therefore taking up a slightly smaller percentage of total weight). Propionate would of course come out on top of the three, releasing a measurable (but not significant) amount more testosterone per injection than cypionate or enanthate.
While the advent of esters certainly constitutes an invaluable advance in the field of anabolic steroid medicine, clearly you can see that there is no magic involved here. Esters work in a well-understood and predictable manner, and do not alter the activity of the parent steroid in any way other than to delay its release. Although the lure surrounding various steroid products like testosterone cypionate, Sustanon, Omnadren etc. certainly makes for interesting conversation, realistically it just amounts to misinformation that the athlete would be better off ignoring. Testosterone is testosterone and anyone who is going to tell you one ester form of this (or any) hormone is much better than another one should do a little more research, and a lot less talking.
Sustanon: The "king" of testosterone blends.
The four different testosterone esters in this product certainly look appealing to the consumer, there is no denying that. But for the athlete I think it is all just a matter of marketing (Hell, why buy one ester when you can get four?). In clinical situations I can see some strong uses for it. If you were undergoing testosterone replacement therapy for example, you would probably find Sustanon a much more comfortable option than testosterone enanthate. You would need to visit the doctor less frequently for an injection, and blood levels should be more steadily maintained between treatments. But for the bodybuilder who is injecting 4 ampules of Sustanon per week, there is no advantage over other testosterone products. In fact, the high price tag for Sustanon usually makes it a very poor buy in the face of cheaper testosterone enanthate/cypionate. Bodybuilders should probably stop looking at the four ester issue, and stick with totals (Sustanon is just a 250mg testosterone ampule). Were enanthate to be available for say $10 per amp of 250mg, and Sustanon priced nearly double that, buying the Sustanon would be like throwing money away. If you could get nearly double the milligram amount for the same price with enanthate, this is the better product to go with hands down. Leave the high priced stuff for the guys who don't know any better.
Acetate: Chemical Structure C2H4O2.
Also referred to as Acetic Acid; Ethylic acid; Vinegar acid; vinegar; Methanecarboxylic acid. Acetate esters delay the release of a steroid for only a couple of days. Contrary to what you may have read, acetate esters do not increase the tendency for fat removal. Again, there is no known mechanism for it to do so. This ester is used on oral primobolan tablets (metenolone acetate), Finaplix (trenbolone acetate) implant pellets, and occasionally testosterone.
Propionate: Chemical Structure C3H6O2.
Also referred to as Carboxyethane; hydroacrylic acid; Methylacetic acid; Ethylformic acid; Ethanecarboxylic acid; metacetonic acid; pseudoacetic acid; Propionic Acid. Propionate esters will slow the release of a steroid for several days. To keep blood levels from fluctuating greatly, propionate compounds are usually injected two to three times weekly. Testosterone propionate and methandriol dipropionate (two separate propionate esters attached to the parent steroid methandriol) are popular items.
Phenylpropionate: Chemical Structure C9H10O2.
Also referred to as Propionic Acid Phenyl Ester. Phenylpropionate will extend the release of active steroid a few days longer than propionate. To keep blood levels even, injections are given at least twice weekly. Durabolin is the drug most commonly seen with a phenylpropionate ester (nandrolone phenylpropionate), although it is also used with testosterone in Sustanon and Omnadren.
Isocarpoate: Chemical Structure C6H12O2.
Also referred to as Isocaproic Acid; isohexanoate; 4-methylvaleric acid. Isocaproate begins to near enanthate in terms of release. The duration is still shorter, with a notable hormone level being sustained for approximately one week. This ester is used with testosterone in the blended products Sustanon and Omnadren.
Caproate: Chemical Structure C6H12O2.
Also referred to as Hexanoic acid; hexanoate; n-Caproic Acid; n-Hexoic acid; butylacetic acid; pentiformic acid; pentylformic acid; n-hexylic acid; 1-pentanecarboxylic acid; hexoic acid; 1-hexanoic acid; Hexylic acid; Caproic acid. This ester is identical to isocarpoate in terms of atom count and weight, but is laid out slightly different (Isocaproate has a split configuration, difficult to explain here but easy to see on paper). Release duration would be very similar to isocaproate (levels sustained for approximately one weak), perhaps coming slightly closer to enanthate due to its straight chain. Caproate is the slowest releasing ester used in Omnadren, which is why most athletes notice more water retention with this compound.
Enanthate: Chemical Structure C7H14O2.
Also referred to as heptanoic acid; enanthic acid; enanthylic acid; heptylic acid; heptoic acid; Oenanthylic acid; Oenanthic acid. Enanthate is one of the most prominent esters used in steroid manufacture (most commonly seen with testosterone but is also used in other compounds like Primobolan Depot). Enanthate will release a steady (yet fluctuating as all esters are) level of hormone for approximately 10-14 days. Although in medicine enanthate compounds are often injected on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, athletes will inject at least weekly to help maintain a uniform blood level.
Cypionate: Chemical Structure C8H14O2.
Also referred to as Cyclopentylpropionic acid, cyclopentylpropionate. Cypionate is a very popular ester here in the U.S., although it is scarcely found outside this region. Its release duration is almost identical to enanthate (10-14 days), and the two are likewise thought to be interchangeable in U.S. medicine. Althletes commonly hold the belief than cypionate is more powerful than enanthate, although realistically there is little difference between the two. The enanthate ester is in fact slightly smaller than cypionate, and it therefore releases a small (perhaps a few milligrams) amount of steroid more in comparison.
Decanoate: Chemical Structure C10H20O2.
Also referred to as decanoic acid; capric acid; caprinic acid; decylic acid, Nonanecarboxylic acid. The Decanoate ester is most commonly used with the hormone nandrolone (as in Deca-Durabolin) and is found in virtually all corners of the world. Testosterone decanoate is also the longest acting constituent in Sustanon, greatly extending its release duration. The release time with Decanoate compounds is listed to be as long as one month, although most recently we are finding that levels seem to drop significantly after two weeks. To keep blood levels more uniform, athletes (as they have always known to do) will follow a weekly injection schedule.
Undecylenate: Chemical Structure C11H20O2.
Also referred to as Undecylenic acid; Hendecenoic acid; Undecenoic acid. This ester is very similar to decanoate, containing only one carbon atom more. Its release duration is likewise very similar (approximately 2-3 weeks), perhaps extending a day or so past that seen with decanoate. Undecylenate seems to be exclusive to the veterinary preparation Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate), although there is no reason it would not work well in human-use preparations (Equipoise certainly works fine for athletes). Again, weekly injections are most common.
Undecanoate: Chemical Structure C11H22O2.
Also referred to as Undecanoic Acid; 1-Decanecarboxylic acid; Hendecanoic acid; Undecylic acid. Undecanoate is not a commonly found ester, and only appears to be used in the nandrolone preparation Dynabolan, and oral testosterone undecanoate (Andriol). Since this ester is chemically very similar to undecylenate (it is only 2 hydrogen atoms larger), it has a similar release duration (approximately 2-3 weeks). Although this ester is used in the oral preparation Andriol, there is no reason to believe it carries any properties unique of other esters. Andriol in fact works very poorly at delivering testosterone, bolstering the idea that oral administration is not the idea use of esterified androgens.
Laurate: Chemical structure C12H24O2.
Also referred to as Dodecanoic acid, laurostearic acid, duodecyclic acid, 1-undecanecarboxylic acid, and dodecoic acid. Laurate is the longest releasing ester used in commercial steroid production, although longer acting esters do exist. Its release duration would be closer to one month than the other esters listed above, although realistically we are probably to expect a notable drop in hormone level after the third week. Laurate is exclusively found in the veterinary nandrolone preparation Laurabolin, perhaps seen as slightly advantageous over a decanoate ester due to a less frequent injection schedule. Again athletes will most commonly inject this drug weekly, no doubt in part due to its low strength (25mg/ml or 50mg/ml).
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Don't forgot it's not just about the steroids , have to look after other things also , dandelion root for water retention , also meant to be good for helping the kidneys , turmeric Is apparently good for the liver , DAA is supposedly a good natural test booster , I read somewhere that in 12 days it raised test levels by 42% of people involved in some study , how true is this ? I have no idea , CoEnzyme Q10 from what I've read is being looked into for numerous benefits including the heart , diabetes and cancer, but don't just take my word for it , read up on these things for yourself before you decide you want to take them . Be safe


Wednesday, 22 January 2014
ISO labs
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